Total Loss Settlements Involving Insurance Companies – Florida and the Department of Motor Vehicles

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My insurer USAA recently sent me a pdf link from the Florida Department of Motor Vehicles, several pages mentioning regulations insurers are to adhere to before acquiring an insured motorist’s title after a total loss colission (mine compliments of a drunk driver that nearly killed me).


It is rather interesting that the DMV requires insurers to provide the insured motorist a replacement vehicle of like kind and quality, but insurers like to lower the bar and offer merely “actual cash value” to their insured. Sounds a bit fishy to me!


I told USAA:


“…Thank you for providing me the pdf link online concerning FL Statutes regarding / “TOTAL LOSS SETTLEMENTS INVOLVING INSURANCE COMPANIES” / wherein the first provision of State Law mentioned is Section 319.30 (3) (a) 1 providing that / “a motor vehicle is a total loss when an insurance company pays the motor vehicle owner to replace the wrecked or damaged motor vehicle with one of like kind and quality” /.


Since USAA has failed thus far to pay me the motor vehicle owner to replace my vehicle with one of like kind and quality, USAA preferring only to render an  “actual cash value”  which itself is questionably low, it seems we cannot proceed with the certificate of destruction until USAA pays me the vehicle owner to replace my vehicle with one of like kind and quality.”

Paul F. Davis is a world-changer who has touched over 50 countries & 6 continents building bridges cross-culturally and empowering people throughout the earth to live their dreams!


Paul is the author of 14 books. Paul has appeared on numerous internationally broadcast radio shows from Oprah & Friends to Fox News Radio to talk about conflict resolution, peacemaking, foreign policy, and diplomacy. Playboy Radio’s Afternoon Advice host Tiffany Granath calls Paul an “awesome” relational coach and recommends his books on love, dating, and sexuality.


Academically outstanding Davis was trained in transformative mediation & conflict resolution (Hofstra Law School); strategic negotiations (Harvard Business School & U. of Washington); advanced interrogation (Reid & Associates founders of the polygraph); and NLP & Life Coaching (NLP & Coaching Institute of California).


Paul humorously and elegantly transforms individuals and organizations.


Paul’s organization Dream-Maker Ministries builds dreams, transcends limitations, and reconciles nations.


Paul worked at Ground Zero in NYC during 9/11; helped rebuild a home at the tsunami epicenter; comforted victims of genocide in Rwanda; spoke to leaders in East Timor during the war; inspired students & monks in Myanmar; promoted peace & reconciliation in Pakistan; and has been so deep into the bush of rural Africa where villagers had never before seen a white man.


Paul empowers people to love passionately and live fearlessly.


It is rather interesting that the DMV requires insurers to provide the insured motorist a replacement vehicle of like kind and quality, but insurers like to lower the bar and offer merely "actual cash value" to their insured. Sounds a bit fishy to me!

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