Considering America’s heinous war crimes and crimes against humanity, it is a bit hypocritical and ironic for President Obama to not offer an apology but merely encourage reflection rather than retribution. While I agree retribution is not the path of peace, nor the way to correct past wrongs; it is worthy to note reflection alone will not produce reformation.
What you fail to confront, you cannot correct. President Obama and the American intelligence community (and individual compliant operatives) need to take a deep look into their heart and soul to see exactly what it is they are about. If covert operations and and intel is merely about propping up U.S. imperialism and keeping the dollar afloat globally as a currency, then don’t expect an apology.
If self-righteousness is the order of the day, then President Obama may want to keep encouraging the CIA along their dehumanizing way. If not, at some juncture our President will have to stand up to the Bush administration and provide more than a pardon.
The world is waiting for justice, truth, and freedom (not just rhetoric about freedom) to prevail. President Obama is positioned to show the world what freedom truly is and is not. If he plays the politician and tries to please both parties (thereby preventing justice) he will do the world, the American people, and himself a great disservice.
Justice must be served, wrongs apologized for, restitution paid, crimes punished, and the people of the world (despite their geographical location or socioeconomic pedigree – or lack thereof) protected. – author of United States of Arrogance and worldwide speaker