19 Oct

FBI Mortgage Fraud Task Force - Implications for Real Estate Property Appraisers in Florida

FBI Mortgage Fraud Task Force implications for Florida real estate property appraisers providing last line of defense between...
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18 Oct

Foreign Currency Exchange Swap Lines - What Central Banks are Whispering?

In response to continued strains in short-term funding markets, Central Banks across the world have coordinated actions to...
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12 Oct

IMF warns of financial meltdown - Eurozone Strengthens, U.S. Dollar Weakens

The IMF warns that the global financial system is on the brink of a massive meltdown, while France...
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21 Sep

Before the Dollar Dies - Protect Your Savings, Deflation Nightmare

Put your money in Euros, gold, or the Paulson Credit Opportunities Fund. The death of the dollar is imminent....
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