Class Action Lawsuit Attorney with Backbone and Guts Wanted to Sue USAA

Beat your lying & cheating insurance company to get thousands more $$$ you deserve and paid for with your hard earned premiums for years. Get what you deserve from your accident & personal injury claim.

Is there a class action attorney with backbone and guts in America willing to take on corporate corruption, expose the fraudulent system and complicit insurance regulators who tolerate such nonsense at the suffering of the consumer?

Become famous by battling the big insurance companies and their flawed valuation methodology by which they devalue consumers vehicles daily and fill their financial coffers as we the people suffer.

Paul F Davis – consume advocate, author, documentary filmmaker and minister

Is there a class action attorney with backbone and guts in America willing to take on corporate corruption, expose the fraudulent system and complicit insurance regulators who tolerate such nonsense at the suffering of the consumer? Become famous by battling the big insurance companies and their flawed valuation methodology by which they devalue consumers vehicles daily and fill their financial coffers as we the people suffer.

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