Confrontation is Kind, Not Cruel

Confrontation is not cruel, but kind
Otherwise you will remain pitifully blind
Blind to your own foolishness and deception
Blind to your own agenda and motivation
Blind to your people skills and offenses caused
Blind to your self-absorbed nature and flaws
Blindness is not a desirable trait, nor is it great
Therefore when someone lovingly gets in your face
Don’t get your back and dander up, nor be an ingrate
Because they’re helping you to improve your state
To reverse the deadly curse and bless your life’s fate
Otherwise you will blindly carry on until it’s too late
Only to awake one day alone with no love in your home
No money in your bank account and no goodness in life
Therefore when confrontation comes receive it humbly
Before getting angry and allowing it to produce strife
Let confrontation for righteousness sake make you great.

Paul F Davis – international speaker and author of Poems That Propel the Planet

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