Beware who you meet on Craigs List or anywhere else over the Internet for that matter. My wife often sells items (quite successfully) on Craigslist. It’s a great place also to find service providers for basement prices. Yet you must take some serious precautions when meeting absolute strangers.
I never let my wife bring Craigslist folks in our home unless I am present. She can do her Craigslist deals outdoors as easily as she can inside. Yet when meeting Craigs List buyers and sellers, I recommend meeting them outside. I know one woman who took the precaution to want us to drive to a public parking lot to meet. At first I thought this to be a bit overly precautious and strange.
That is until investigators searched the apartment of Philip Markoff, the accused murderer non known infamously as the “Craiglist Killer.” Investigators found a handgun and panties belonging to the two victims hidden in a hollowed-out copy of the textbook Gray’s Anatomy of the Human Body, two law enforcement sources told ABC News.
Markoff the Craigs List murderer appeared to be collecting women’s panties, which investigators believe were “souvenirs” from his alleged victims, two law enforcement sources said.
Even though Markoff doesn’t seem to fit the profile of a typical killer — he’s a clean-cut medical student who was engaged to be married this summer — looks can be deceiving.
Michael Welner, a forensic psychiatrist and chairman of the Forensic Panel, told “Good Morning America” today that a good education has nothing to do with a person’s character.
“So much of crime is about choices,” he said. “This is a situation of someone who had everything to lose,” and his choices imploded his life.
Markoff’s friends and neighbors are shocked. After all, Markoff, a second-year medical student at Boston University, had no criminal history and was engaged to be married to a woman he met more than three years ago when they were volunteers in an emergency room. The university suspended Markoff after learning of the charges against him, a school spokeswoman said.
Apparently the lethal mix of gambling and escapism from medical school eventually caught up with him as Markoff’s double life took over and got the best of him. As he descended deeper into darkness his acts and crimes became more heinous.
Let that be a lesson for all of us. A little sin can seduce even the best of citizens and quickly lead to our demise.
God help us all to be pure in heart and stand tall. – worldwide speaker, life-changing author, and life coach
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