Divine coincidences
Breathe and believe
Believe and receive
Pray and obey
Not just a cute cliche
Miracles happen everyday
Put feet to your faith today!
Paul F. Davis is a world-changer who has touched over 50 countries, more than 50 islands, and 6 continents empowering people throughout the earth to live their dreams!
Paul is the author of 14 books and premier life coach building dreams, breaking limitations, and transforming individuals and organizations. Paul is a change master that knows how to play with pain, while elegantly and humorously navigating through transition and riding the waves of change.
– Paul worked at Ground Zero in New York City the first week of 9/11, two stops from Brooklyn Heights where Paul used to live. Paul drove a rental car up to NYC from Orlando, FL as all airports were shut down for national security reasons.
– Paul helped a Muslim young man rebuild his home at the tsunami epicenter in Indonesia and spoke to tribal groups in Wamena who are “naked and not ashamed.”
– Paul comforted victims of genocide in Rwanda and Burundi where 1.2 million people were slaughtered.
– Paul spoke to leaders in East Timor during the war for independence before the UN recognized the new nation.
– Paul addressed University students and monks in Myanmar working together to achieve democracy.
– Paul spoke throughout war-torn East Africa journeying deep into the “bush” where villagers have never seen a white man.
– Paul lived in and lectured throughout India and China the two largest populaces on earth.
– Paul journeyed to Pakistan twice since 9/11 to speak to large audiences about peace, non-violence, and reconciliation.