Only believe and you will see the glory of God! (John 11:40)
Fresh fire awaits you from the Holy Spirit as you draw near unto God. Paul’s ministries impart fresh fire from heaven to the hearts of humanity.
Signs and wonders follow them who believe in Christ (Mark 16:17,20). Awaken to your Creator, experience transformation, and walk in newness of life. A new beginning awaits you as you draw near to God and embrace the risen Christ.
Put your eyes on Jesus the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). Ministers are nothing more than donkeys upon whom Jesus rides, the Holy Spirit fills, and flows through. We are but earthen vessels made of dust possessing a rich treasure within by the Spirit (see 2 Corinthians 4:7).
The Father in heaven gives good gifts to His children and gives the Holy Spirit to whosoever asks (Luke 11:13). Get ready for your best life now when you open your heart and invite the blessed Holy Spirit of God to live big in and through you!
Touch heaven and change earth in Jesus Name by living in the Spirit boldly and declaring the good things God has done and is doing for you!
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!
I don’t need to be convinced for I am already fully persuaded having seen for myself throughout the nations of the world what can be done when someone touches heaven and dares to change earth.
I have witnessed countless people healed, delivered from demonic influences, liberated, equipped, empowered, ignited in their faith, receive divine impartations of spiritual giftings, activated in their heavenly callings, churches transformed, disgruntled congregations reconciled, ministers revived, cities amazingly awakened by God, notable miracles, prophetic utterances, words of knowledge, wisdom that transcends limitations & love that melts hard hearts.
Our God is alive and well, ready to move for whosoever wills and desires Him to show up in their life.
If you liked what you read invite Paul F Davis to minister in your city and bring a divine breakthrough. (or)
Also check out Paul’s books below, including his answer and Christian alternative to Oprah’s “New Earth” ….a Biblical book titled “A New Earth – Connect with Your Creator & Experience Endless Awakenings” with similar principles, but a Christ centered approach.
Paul’s new book at
Paul Davis is a highly sought after worldwide minister who moves in the miraculous to touch and transform humanity.
Paul has a unique ability to hear the voice of God, naturally bring forth the supernatural in a playful and heartfelt fashion, unlock and simply explain divine mysteries, impart life changing revelation, and usher in powerful manifestation bringing heaven to earth.
Paul is the author of several books including Waves of God; Supernatural Fire; God vs. Religion; United States of Arrogance; Poems that Propel the Planet; Breakthrough for a Broken Heart; Adultery 101; Are You Ready for True Love; Stop Lusting & Start Living; and many more!
Paul’s compassion for people & passion to travel has taken him to over 50 countries of the world where he has had a tremendous impact. Paul’s Dream-Maker Ministries builds dreams, transcends limitations, & reconciles nations.