The “Greatest Freakout Ever” video here shows a kid’s demons going crazy when a favorite game “World Warcraft” account was closed.
As the author of ‘Supernatural Fire’ and a worldwide minister who has traveled to 64 countries preaching the resurrection power of Jesus Christ, I’ve seen many demons manifest as their grip on people was broken and they were defeated.
Thankfully, I discovered the power of Jesus Christ long ago and have had victory over demons worldwide by the power of the Word of God, the Holy Spirit, the Name of Jesus, and blood of Christ (Luke 10:17-21; Revelation 12:7-11). (scroll down to watch the videos on my website of demonic power being broken and God’s power setting the captives free and healing people wonderfully …to God be all the glory!)
Below is another video of a demon in a person I dealt with at a church in Laon, France. It is both sad and comical, as the person was deceived by a lying spirit and demon of pride which had been telling him how “spiritually great” he was, while encouraging him to stay home and not work to provide for his family.
Thankfully, not ever demon is this difficult to cast out! The Spirit of God eventually led me to deal with him in a fashion to renew his mind and simply repent, forsaking his former mindset, which brought the heartfelt change and transformation (Romans 12:1-2) as often mind renewal is more powerful and sustainable than exorcism.
Nevertheless often both are needful for initial and lasting freedom (Matthew 8:16).
Blessings and breakthroughs!
Paul – author of ‘Waves of God’, ‘God vs. Religion’, and ‘Supernatural Fire’
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