October 31 is All Hallow’s Eve, and, since on the following day (All Saints) most people historically went to church, posting Martin Luther’s 95 theses which birthed the Protestant Reformation leading us out of the Dark Ages spiritually. The word “hallow” means – to make holy, set apart for holy use. Pagans commemorated this day for the devil and playing pranks while saints were praying for God’s blessing.
Which are you? A God fearing saint praying for blessings or a pagan playing pranks bringing cursing?
Actions speak louder than words. Put your feet on the street called straight and don’t play with darkness lest you be cursed by it.
Read the history of the Protestant Reformation and Martin Luther’s 95 theses yourself and see!
The darkness was so dark
It was felt
The worst gross darkness
Is religious captivity
Soulish enslavery
And financial drudgery
For all bowed their knees to Rome
Until a German
A former Roman Catholic monk
Said, “No!”
And stood up to the religious hierarchy
Declaring truth boldly
In the midst of moral depravity
Such a stance
Could cost one his life
“Off with your head!”
“You cause heretical division and strife.”
For in that day
Only the pope was right
Yet Luther heard a word
That he could not shake
Saying, “The just shall live by faith!”
Therefore down with indulgences,
Penance and purgatory!
I need not go to a priest
To confess my sins.
For Jesus died on the cross
Once and for all
Mankind wins!
I can go to God myself
I can approach my Creator directly
No need for a mediator
Or one named Mary
My soul is free
No burden to carry
What Hitler did
Has come and gone
But the truths Luther established
They live on!
The truth keeps marching on
From generation to generation
The Spirit illuminating and confirming the Word
We the soldiers of the cross
Wielding the two-edged sword
The sword of the Spirit
All humanity shall hear it!
And so humanity benefits daily
From one man’s stance against heresy
Though he himself was branded a heretic,
A mad man, a drunk
Luther not only shook their religious boat
It he sunk!
And so a new gospel ship
Has been built for us
Though eternally of old
It does not whither, decay or rust
Forever saving those who believe and trust
Ever enduring is this gospel message
Availing fully for those who dare
Throwing aside every weight and care
What a joy it is in our day
When men like Luther can be found
To bring the blessings of heaven down
Yet a slow to hear society remains
Humanity’s deception and need is dire
To be moved upon and freshly inspired
With godly passion and fire!
For a new and living way has come
And with it, a new generation must arise and run!
www.PaulFDavis.com worldwide minister, prophet & poet
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