Healthy Relationships – Don’t Be a Bulldozer

Have you ever met a bulldozer? I mean a domineering personality type who tried to get their way and bulldoze you over? Have you ever been a bulldozer to somebody else? I’m sure if you are like me, you can answer yes to both of those questions.

Remember how it feels to be bulldozed over by another person. You feel a bit violated, disrespected, ignored, and dehumanized. It is not a very nice feeling, nor does it endear you to the person (the rough bulldozer kind of individual).

Yet think back to the times you have been a bulldozer. Perhaps you were ploughing ahead trying to meet a deadline, to pay the bills, to pick up the kids from school, to get to a social function (or church) when you were running late, or to try to get to work on time. The possibilities are endless.

Therefore the next time somebody bulldozes over you, gently mention it and call them on it. Say, “Hey, do you realize what a bulldozer you are being? You might want to rethink your approach to life before somebody gets hurt. Remember what comes around goes around. Eventually even the bulldozer will reap what they sow.”

If you are the offended party, consider passing over the transgression and showing some mercy. Blessed are the merciful, because when you too need some mercy, you will have paved the way for forgiveness to receive it.

Now all of your bulldozers and bulldozees out there, try to be a bit more self-aware and forgiving before somebody gets hurt! – worldwide speaker and author of Healthy Relationships

Invite Paul to speak in your city and rock the house!

If you are the offended party, consider passing over the transgression and showing some mercy. Blessed are the merciful, because when you too need some mercy, you will have paved the way for forgiveness to receive it. Now all of your bulldozers and bulldozees out there, try to be a bit more self-aware and forgiving before somebody gets hurt! / author of "Healthy Relationships"

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