Just Because Doesn’t Mean

Just because

You have a mouth

Doesn’t mean

It always needs

To be open wide

Just because

You have anger

Doesn’t mean

You need to kill

Just because

Your are sad

Doesn’t mean

You need to be suicidal

Just because

You get your feelings hurt

Doesn’t mean

You need to retailiate

Just because

You fail once in a while

Doesn’t mean

You still cannot be great.

www.PaulFDavis.com – worldwide speaker, life-changing author, and poet who has written 18 books including “Poems That Propel The Planet”

Invite Paul to speak in your city, teach creative writing, or give a poetry reading. – RevivingNations@yahoo.com

www.PaulFDavis.com - worldwide speaker, life-changing author, and poet who has written 18 books including "Poems That Propel The Planet" / Invite Paul to speak in your city, teach creative writing, or give a poetry reading. - RevivingNations@yahoo.com

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