A “kick ass” negotiator (pardon my language but it makes the point) is one who many perceive as being aggressive, a bit of a bulldozer, and an intimidating individual.
On the contrary, the best negotiators are those who are unassuming, mild and moderate in their temperament and meek. Truly negotiation is an art in which you are continually dealing with people. Therefore the best negotiators know the importance of upholding and honoring people, even when they are on the other side of the negotiating table.
After all in business relationships, it is often likely you will see your competition again. Perhaps you are negotiating with a supplier, service provider, or some other company you need over the longterm. You therefore don’t want to burn bridges during the negotiation.
Win-win negotiation considers the interpersonal element within the negotiation and respectfully engages people while pursuing your individual or corporate objectives.
If you need a great negotiator to represent you, contact Paul F. Davis at RevivingNations@yahoo.com
Paul is a worldwide speaker, life-changing author, and executive consultant. Paul was trained in negotiations & deal-making at Harvard Business School, conflict resolution & mediation at Hofstra Law School, advanced interrogations at Reid & Associates, and NLP by the industry’s best.
www.PaulFDavis.com – invite Paul to speak to your company and within your city for life-changing trainings and seminars.