Live Your Dreams Speaker for Courage to Conquer and Empowerment

Energizing, Inspirational & Content Rich Presentations to Empower You to Live Your Dreams.

Live your dreams and do life your way, never letting money or an employer get in the way.

Dare to Live Your Dreams!



Life is short. Take hold of the hand of your loving Creator and let the Spirit of God guide you to live an extraordinary life filled with creativity to pioneer a path to your destiny. Live your dreams now!

Too often we get caught living from paycheck to paycheck, fulfilling the dreams of our employer, or the corporate CEO over them. Rarely however do we personally benefit beyond a salary. A salary is not enough to live for.

If you were a hamster, perhaps a slice of cheese would do. Yet I believe there is far more for you! Can you feel and sense it? Are you in touch with your inner reality? Does your destiny continually call out to you?

If so, now is the time to give attention to the yearnings within. Let go of your “what ifs” and launch out into the deep with childlike faith to follow your heart.
We all have specific gifts, talents and abilities that make us special and unique. Such skills must be fully developed so we can maximize our potential. Once you have sharpened and mastered your skill set, it is time to believe in and market it.

Don’t be another man’s spare tire to tread on! Live your dreams now!

Invite Paul to speak on the 7 Secrets to Live Your Dreams

Paul F. Davis is the author of 17 books and a worldwide speaker who has touched over 55 countries & 6 continents building bridges cross-culturally by joyfully disarming and empowering people throughout the earth to live their dreams!

Paul’s incredible depth and powerful stories from around the world, entertain and inspire audiences making Paul a captivating speaker able to awaken the greatness within us all.

Paul speaks for Celebrity Cruises and has appeared on numerous international broadcasts from Investors Business Daily, Oprah & Friends to Fox News to talk about success, leadership, relational intricacies, conflict resolution, life balance, and living your dreams. By reason of his global travels, Paul is a highly sought after diversity and multicultural awareness speaker.

Playboy Radio Afternoon Advice host Tiffany Granath calls Paul an “awesome” relational coach and recommends his books on love, dating, and sexuality.

Paul worked at Ground Zero in NYC during 9-11; helped rebuild a home at the tsunami epicenter; comforted victims of genocide in Rwanda; spoke to leaders in East Timor during the war; inspired students & monks in Myanmar; promoted peace & reconciliation in Pakistan; and has been so deep into the bush of rural Africa where villagers had never before seen a white man.

A breakthrough leader, Paul humorously and elegantly transforms individuals and organizations, while empowering people to love passionately and fearlessly live their dreams.

Invite Paul to speak at your next event to empower you to live your dreams.
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Phone – 407-967-7553 for breakthrough to take your life to the next level.

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