As a new teacher, I often felt like I was dying inside. Not because of my kids, but because of the demands and ongoing pressure from administration. I felt most at ease in the classrom and comfortable. Yet whenever having to deal with all of the administrative bureaucracy and demands, I felt like I was forever being barked at and dehumanized.
Nevertheless I respectfully kept my mouth shut, said “Yes sir!” and “Yes mam!” while pressing on relentlessly to stay focused on my teaching assignemnt.
Part of surviving and succeeding as a new teacher is managing your emotions. New teacher success means mastering your emotions, refraining from reacting when you feel like you are going to explode inside. Yet not holding it all in either, so as to let it fester and pollute your within.
Find a family member or friend to vent to outside of work. I particularly don’t like to talk about work after work. I leave work at work. Going to the gym or health club for a workout does the trick to release emotional pressure for me. Maybe yoga, playing golf, going for a walk, or taking a nap (my mother’s favorite survival method every afternoon after 30 years of teaching) will help you reduce stress and manage your emotions.
New teachers have an enormous amount of responsibilities and requirements. It isn’t surprising how many quit and leave the job altogether. Yet there are benefits if you can endure the first year. Remember you get your summer off and all of the holidays.
Remind yourself of the rewards as you endure the difficulties. Love the kids and don’t let everything else around you (or those around you) get you down.
Keep your heart alive and survive as a new teacher. worldwide speaker and author of New Teacher Success Secrets – 101 Survival & Success Secrets
Invite Paul to speak in your city.