O Ambassadors – Free The Children

I just watched Monday’s inspiring episode of Oprah partnering with Free The Children in Kenya forming O Ambassadors to build schools across the impoverished parts of the world. What’s special about this is the ambassadors are kids still in school here in America themselves desirious of changing their world.

As someone who has been to Africa 5 times, working in war-torn east Africa, I know firsthand the needs there. Kenya is just the beginning and actually one of the more prosperous countries in the region. Beyond Kenya, I also visited war-torn nations such as Rwanda, Burundi, Congo, Uganda, and Mozambique. I remember seeing on TV years ago how one woman gave birth in a tree in Mozambique during a flood. Between Rwanda and Burundi during the genocide that plagued the small countries in 1994, 1.2 million people were slaughtered between tribal factions. I visited the site of the massacre and was heart broken to see the animosity that still exists.

My other African stops over 5 different trips also took me to Malawi, where a dictatorial President in power for 25 years forbid women to wear pants. Then in Tanzania just above Kenya I saw new development as they sought to catch up with developing Kenya.  As for Congo it has been ravished for years due to its rich mineral resources, blood diamonds, and mercenaries fighting for personal gain.

O Ambassadors is a bold move I commend, which shall change the world and the youth launching out into the deep to do so. Not only are youth going abroad and awaking to the blessings of America we so often take for granted, but they are being changed in the process as they enrich the lives of others.

The American church has lost the concept and importance of overseas missions as we build fancier buildings for ourselves to dwell in, but the true heart of God is about “seeking and saving the lost” (Luke 19:10) in the “uttermost parts of the earth” (Acts 1:8). Nothing is more important for children then to grow up with access to proper education and clean water.

Paul F Davis – president and founder of Dream-Maker Ministries (a nonprofit charitable organization) that has touched 50 countries thus far but is desiring to partner with concerned people and organizations to make a larger impact globally.

Dream-Maker Ministries

PO Box 684

Goldenrod, FL 32733



If you’d like to help Paul build schools in the most poverished regions of the earth, write today!

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