Warm greetings from sunny Florida!
I am excited about empowering you and your dream team to overcome adversity and live victoriously!
As a worldwide professional speaker who has delivered thousands of presentations in 57 countries and 6 continents, the message of overcoming adversity is uniquely personal for me.
I was born into adversity having pneumonia at birth. I struggled at home among a troubled family, my mother being a drug addict and alcholic and my stepmother cold and abusive. Yet instead of surrendering my soul and dreams when tempted to commit suicide at the age of 12, with rugged determination I persevered to overcome my many challenges and excel athletically and academically to becme the world changer I am today empowering individuals and organizations across the globe to overcome adversity and live their dreams!
Sadly my substance abusing mother was unable to rejoice and celebrate my successes with me as she was killed by an 18 y/o drunk driver at the age of 49.
Yet even into my adult life adversity continued to be my best University (and that after graduating at the age of 20 Cum Laude with honors from UCF and receiving extensive executive education including from Harvard Business School).
After 5 years of marriage to the woman with whom I shared a worldwide ministry, I suffered a horrible divorce due to my ex-wife’s infidelity and adulterous affair. Although I forgave her and sought marital reconciliation, her unrepentant heart and wayward life forced me to pursue divorce to move on happily with my life.
During this painful season and personal ground zero, I did some deep soul searching and wrote one of my 18 books titled “Breakthrough For a Broken Heart” empowering people just like me to bounce back, overcome their disappointments and blossom into their dreams!
Today I am happily married to a gorgeous Canadian model and business owner, God having given me double for my trouble (Job 42:10).
Yet adversity and life’s tests continue. In July of 2008, I was hit by a drunk driver totaling the car my wife and I shared at the time and injuring me physically. Nevertheless being a former fitness trainer I rehabilitated myself and worked through my injuries to regain mobility, while battling insurance companies relentlessly to get the full coverage (for which I had paid) which was rightfully due me.
Today I am a voice of conscience and prevention speaker helping people break the chains of substance abuse and use wisdom to pursue alternatives before drinking and driving.
Substance Abuse Prevention & Drunk Driving Detour
Among the many books birthed from my personal pain and adversity I have written to help others like me are:
– Breakthrough for a Broken Heart
– Empowering & Liberating Women to Achieve Greatness
– Adultery: 101 Reasons Not to Cheat
– Stop Lusting & Start Living
– Healthy Relationships
– Are You Ready for True Love?
If you would like me to prepare an “Overcoming Adversity” book for your event and can bear the cost of printing and pre-order, I would be happy to put together an empowering book for your employees. Otherwise perhaps we can explore this for a future event when we have more time.
I commend you for nurturing, honoring and investing in yourself and your employees – your most valuable resource to ensure your ongoing success.
Serving and celebrating your success!
Paul F Davis
info @ PaulFDavis.com
Paul F. Davis is the author of 17 books and a worldwide speaker who has touched over 55 countries & 6 continents building bridges cross-culturally by joyfully disarming and empowering people throughout the earth to live their dreams!
Paul’s incredible depth and powerful stories from around the world, entertain and inspire audiences making Paul a captivating speaker able to awaken the greatness within us all.
Paul speaks for Celebrity Cruises and has appeared on numerous international broadcasts from Investors Business Daily, Oprah & Friends to Fox News to talk about success, leadership, relational intricacies, conflict resolution, life balance, and living your dreams. By reason of his global travels, Paul is a highly sought after diversity and multicultural awareness speaker.
Playboy Radio Afternoon Advice host Tiffany Granath calls Paul an awesome relational coach and recommends his books on love, dating, and sexuality.
Paul worked at Ground Zero in NYC during 9-11; helped rebuild a home at the tsunami epicenter; comforted victims of genocide in Rwanda; spoke to leaders in East Timor during the war; inspired students & monks in Myanmar; promoted peace & reconciliation in Pakistan; and has been so deep into the bush of rural Africa where villagers had never before seen a white man.
A breakthrough leader, Paul humorously and elegantly transforms individuals and organizations, while empowering people to love passionately and fearlessly live their dreams.
Dare to Live Your Dreams!
Motivational Speaker for Military Chaplain & Officers
Diversity & Multiculturalism Speaker
Motivational Speaker for the Aging to Overcome Adversity
Healthy Relationships Speaker at Fordham College
Message to the Youth of the World
Overcoming Adversity – Be Empowered to Live Victoriously
Empowering & Liberating Women to Achieve Greatness
Relationships Speaker for a Broken Heart
World Peace Over Propaganda & Demonizing Nations
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