Rifqa Bary belongs in Florida Governor Charlie Crist: Emancipation for Rifqa Bary

Honorable Governor Crist,

You have done well and judged rightly thus far keeping Rifqa Bary in Florida protection and jurisdiction.

Gov. Strickland of Ohio has ties to CAIR and an Islamic constituency who funds him politically.

As a worldwide minister who has traveled to over 50 countries (many Islamic states like Indonesia, Pakistan, Malaysia, Brunei) I have witnessed terrorism by Islamic extremists and know as an interrogator this young lady would not be fearing for her life without probable cause.

As a preacher of the gospel who also isn’t duped by Christian conservatives and self-righteous Republicans (I voted for Pres. Obama and authored “United States of Arrogance” documenting the Bush years), I maintain good will toward Rifqa’s family and pray for their reconciliation, but not until Rifqa’s father gets rehabilitation, anger management and repents by confessing his wrongdoing and seeking the forgiveness of his daughter.

Moreover she’s very likely been molested by her uncle and nobody has investigated this …further adding to the poor and unsafe home environment back in Ohio for Rifqa.

Keep Rifqa in FL Governor Crist and let not her blood be on your hands, nor the people of Florida. Let Rifqa decide where she wants to live as she’s nearly 18 y/o.

I decided my fate in a child custody battle when I was 10 y/o as a result of my mother being a drug addict and alocholic in Florida.

Give Rifqa full emancipation!


Paul F Davis – Orlando, FL

www.PaulFDavis.com – worldwide minister and author of “God vs. Religion”

Paul F. Davis is the author of several books and a worldwide speaker who has touched over 55 countries & 6 continents building bridges cross-culturally by joyfully disarming and empowering people throughout the earth to live their dreams!

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