Sexual Assault & Date Rape Prevention Speaker Secrets


What are you doing to stop physical aggression, date rape, and sexual assault in your community?


Physical aggression occurs in 1 out of 3 young adult dating relationships. Date rape accounts for nearly 70% of all sexual assaults reported by adolescent and college-age women. Countless young adults are subjected to emotional abuse from their boyfriends or girlfriends, severely damaging their self-esteem and making them feel powerless. Who therefore are you empowering and preventing from being another sad statistic? Will your wife, daughter, or son be the next victim of date rape or sexual assault?


As a young man who was sexually assaulted and raped himself; Paul boldly, wisely and humorously tackles the taboo subject of date rape and sexual assault many shun and run from.


Confronting the stereotypes, subtleties, seductive tendencies, and secrets regarding sexuality leading up to date rape and sexual assault, Paul F. Davis gives a fresh and insightful look at the nuances that need to be addressed to honor, preserve, and protect our sexuality.


Paul examines the psychology and sociology of power and lust that drives men to pursue sexual conquest, while differentiating between overbearing masculinity and maintaining one’s manly honor and integrity. Davis takes a deep look at the pathway and precursors to male domination en route to sexual exploitation of women.


The disturbing prevalence of campus sexual assault shatters the illusion college campuses are sanctuaries of safety from the real world. Providing meaningful education and awareness to both sexes, Davis addresses the male ego and sexuality, provides meaningful steps to establish proper perimeters relationally, minimize the abuse of women in courtship and socially, while simultaneously identifying crucial factors necessary to prevent being overcome by sexual predators.


Paul facilitates and opens up heartfelt discussions between the sexes by dealing with misnomers, presumptions, false interpretations, mischaracterizations, and miscommunication relationally that often misdirects our actions sexually and endangers us unnecessarily. Paul graciously and candidly addresses the problems and complexities related to sexual victimization scarring children, adolescents, and adults worldwide. Discover the facts about domestic violence, acquaintance rape, and drug use by sexual predators so you can prevent and conquer any undesirable attempt for sexual conquest against your will.

For the sake of your own well being, the safety of your students on your local college campus, the public health, and general welfare of all sexes; you owe it to yourself and your community to bring in Paul to speak powerfully to the peculiarities that precede and lead up to sexual assault and date rape. By being proactive, taking necessary precautions, and initiating a preventative approach you can save someone’s life and maintain the dignity of the sexes within your community.


Stop being victimized and start being victorious by taking back your campus and community from sexual predators.


Paul F. Davis is a worldwide speaker who has touched over 50 countries & 6 continents building bridges cross-culturally and empowering people throughout the earth to live their dreams! Paul is the author of 17 life-changing books including Healthy Relationships and Empowering & Liberating Women. Paul is an exceptional and frequently requested speaker for college student success with great depth, speaking on a variety of important topics vital to sustaining the health of any college campus and community.


Paul is a personal, powerful, and unforgettable speaker able to impact any audience. Paul has appeared on numerous international broadcasts from Oprah & Friends to Fox News to talk about relational intricacies, conflict resolution, peacemaking, and diplomacy.


Playboy Radio Afternoon Advice host Tiffany Granath calls Paul an awesome relational coach and recommends his books on love, dating, and sexuality.


Paul empowers us to value our integrity, uphold every individual’s personal dignity, interact respectfully, love passionately, and live honorably.

What are you doing to stop physical aggression, date rape, and sexual assault in your community? /

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