If you have a compelling and telling story that you would like to share in Paul’s soon to be released book “Academic Success Secrets” kindly put it in an MS Word document and email it to Paul at RevivingNations@yahoo.com
In your email mention the document by name and agree to give Paul permission to edit and print it in his upcoming book. If Paul decides to use your submission, he will contact you beforehand to congratulate you and work with you on editing it before print.
Sincere thanks for taking the time to share your student success story and improve academic success throughout the world for every student.
www.PaulFDavis.com – worldwide speaker & author of 17 life-changing books
ps. Paul is usually traveling and writing. If he delays in replying to you this is why, or perhaps your email got directed to his spam inbox. Therefore after a week you might want to resend it if you have not heard back from him.