5 Aug

Continental Airlines Negligence & Poor Customer Service: CO82371 London to Newark 28JUL09

As a frequent flyer who has accumulated well over 150,000 miles on your airline I am ashamed of...
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25 May

Blockbuster And Netflix Unethical Contracts - Corporation Nation & Crude Capitalism, A New America

Blockbuster Online decided to alter and modify my existing movie rental contract, which initially allowed me unlimited rentals...
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24 May

Zoolon, Zulon, or Xulon Press - Spell it However You Want, Pay More, and Get Less

Publishing Confessions from a Xulon Press Author Who Encountered Conservative Hypocrisy The ancient Greek word Xulon (zoo' lon) is...
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21 May

1and1.com auto renewal cancellation policy - fraud, complicated, and poor customer service

www.1and1.com with whom I have 34 domains, many of which I have switched from www.GoDaddy.com does not offer...
