The secret to personal self-actualization, renewal, and transformation is to daily cultivate and celebrate your magnificence. Celebrate yourself for no reason at all. Rejoice in the life of the Creator flowing through your veins, filling your lungs, impregnating you with purpose, and passionately propelling you forward!
Rejoice in your health (even if it is not perfect, give thanks for that which you have that daily sustains you)! Rejoice in those who are near, dear, and love you! Rejoice in your active mind and intellectual stimulation that provokes and compels you with curiosity. Rejoice in your inquisitiveness and inner yearnings spiritually.
Rejoice in the challenges that you face daily, knowing that they too impart life lessons subtly and tenderly… sometimes even more abruptly when we are hard of hearing and it is necessary.
Rejoice in your ability to smile and not take yourself too seriously. Have a smile and a good laugh at your own expense as you recall some foolish things you did recently or perhaps years ago when you were all about personal vanity.
Cultivate the goodness within you, which the Creator has graced and given you. Unashamedly rejoice and vocalize the amazing qualities God has bestowed upon you. Give thanks for your uniqueness and difference, making you authentic and establishing your individuality.
Cultivate and celebrate your magnificence today, tomorrow, and everyday hereafter!
Your were not bychance, neither is your life a disaster. On the contrary your precious life is a miracle in motion, awaiting a deeper divine connection, a more fluid life flow, and a rich maturing wisdom that will continue to grow.
Your most blessed days and best days are ahead of you!
Rejoice as you cultivate and celebrate your own magnificence. Continue to happily and hilariously daily do this discipline, which shall attract and be translated into great success …in fact your own brilliance. – worldwide speaker and life-changing author of 17 books including Supernatural Fire
Invite Paul to speak in your city and impart the spirit of faith empowering you to live your dreams! Invite worldwide speaker, life-changing author, and miracle worker to your city to work wonders!