Free your mind of what you have thought you can’t do and begin to believe again that you can do! Jump up and down with joy like an excited and expectant child before Christmas eagerly awaiting the good things your Creator has for you!
Replace sorrow with joy and begin to employ your gifts, talents and abilities. Transcend all anxiety being still and accessing internal tranquility. Let the peace that passes understanding quiet your mind, still your soul, access and awaken your spirit, causing you to be whole.
As you connect with the goodness of your Creator, regain all that stinking thinking and a miniscule mentality stole.
Awake and arise with new childlike faith, confidence, boldness, and raw determination to go after your dreams again! Refuse to bury your dreams beneath your disappointments. Press on ahead walking by faith not by sight. Where necessary fake it until you make it, calling those things that are not as though they were; thereby creatively calling and bringing them into existence.
Your best days and most blessed days are ahead of you. Stop living in the past and focusing on that which you cannot change. It’s a new day! Now boldly arise with the spirit of faith! – worldwide speaker and life-changing author of 17 books including Supernatural Fire
Invite Paul to speak in your city and impart the spirit of faith empowering you to live your dreams! Invite worldwide speaker, life-changing author, and miracle worker to your city to work wonders!