Your thoughts are things. Thoughts produce for us good or bad fruit. Therefore we need to take time to get down to the root of our thoughts and take a personal inventory – a check up from the neck up.
Truly and repeatedly, what you think about, you will ultimately bring about. Therefore many need to alter their thoughts to change their lives.
What you perceive and believe about yourself, you project outwardly everywhere you go. Therefore it is vital that we periodically renew our minds and update our identity. As I mention througout my book, “Update Your Identity”, we must be careful as to how we define ourselves.
Beware of establishing your identity based upon what you own (or don’t own), do (or don’t do), and what others say about you. You are far greater and larger than any of these things. The true you is discovered inwardly and the greatness within must be cultivated daily.
Be good and speak up to yourself. Talk up to yourself as the person you know yourself to be. Shake off the belittling attitudes and words others have spoken over you. Break their power and nullify their credibility. Jump with joy and declare yourself free to be – free to be whatever you want!
Declare and possess afresh love, life, and liberty!
Renew your mind, update your identity, and experience transformation miraculously! – worldwide speaker and life-changing author of 17 books including Supernatural Fire
Invite Paul to speak in your city and impart the spirit of faith empowering you to live your dreams! Invite worldwide speaker, life-changing author, and miracle worker to your city to work wonders!