Cruise Enrichment Programs
Cruise Enrichment Speakers for Programs, Lectures & Fun - Serving Cruise Ships Worldwide
Cruise Enrichment Programs: Cruise Enrichment Speakers for Programs, Lectures & Fun – Serving Cruise Ships Worldwide |
Paul’s enrichment speakers network is able to meet any need you may have to make your next event a success. A world cruiser himself, Paul is intimately acquainted with cruise lines and their activities directors needs to staff and sustain meaningful enrichment programs for cruise ship passengers, guests and crew. Make your request known to Paul and allow him to perfectly match your next event with the ideal speakers. Invite Paul to speak on your cruise ship for a fun, energizing and life-changing experience! Email – Paul himself speaks on a variety of special interest topics frequently requested aboard cruise ships (see below). Note many more topics are available upon request as Paul is a prolific author and has a rich depth of knowledge and global travel experience by which he is able to design and create talks tailor made to each cruise directors individual needs to best serve his or her cruise ship enrichment program. 10 Reasons Cruise Directors and Cruise Ship Activities Coordinators love Paul: 1. Paul is respectful, courteous, polite, flexible, and easy to work with. 2. Paul is a life-changing author of more than 100 books providing rich content coupled with passion to empower and inspire any audience. 3. Paul has unparalleled experience as a world-class speaker. Paul is a worldwide professional speaker with over 15 years experience having touched more than 90 countries, over 55 islands and 6 continents with a wealth of personal stories, wisdom and humorous experiences to entertain and enrich any audience. 4. Paul is fun, high energy, and interactive. If you are looking for a speaker to awaken and impact your audience, Paul masterfully has a way to connect with and communicate to people. Voted the funniest in his high school class, Paul knows how to disarm and charm any audience. Paul even surprised himself when he managed to date Cinderella at Disney World, while working there as a bus boy in high school. 5. Paul is relatable and his messages are real and applicable to our everyday lives. No matter what season of life you may find yourself, Paul knows how to equip and empower you to live your dreams! 6. Paul is a world traveler himself who understands the nuances, demands and difficulties involved in traveling throughout the globe. Paul is young, strong, healthy and happy under pressure and playfully uplifting having a great sense of humor. 7. Paul has depth and can perform several vital tasks making him a tremendous asset aboard any cruise ship. Beyond enrichment speaking, Paul is a former lifeguard and personal fitness trainer (making him well liked by the spa and health club staff). Paul is also a life coach and minister able to provide counseling and officiate weddings. 8. Paul is skilled in generational diversity and ideal for all demographic groups aboard cruise ships. Paul was raised by his grandparents through his elementary school years, after which he lived with his parents through junior high and high school. Instead of putting his aged grandparents in a nursing home, Paul returned home from living overseas to care for his beloved grandparents in their old age prior to their passing. Paul also worked with and cared for the elderly in a nursing home in Hampshire, England. Childlike in heart Paul also relates well to children and youth of all ages. Able to strike up a conversation with all ages, Paul is knowledgeable of the world, intellectual and comical. Moreover Paul is a frequent motivational speaker empowering youth at schools and colleges throughout the world. Paul even worked with the physically disabled at Camp Challenge, during which he cared for special children and adults with unique physical and mental challenges. 9. Paul is helpful and friendly to cruise ship passengers and crew treating them all like family. Crew and passengers alike enjoy Pauls company, humility and willingness to help whenever he can in any given situation. 10. Pauls heart is at home on the high seas and when he is in foreign countries. Since Paul likes things foreign, the only time Paul really gets homesick is when he is stuck in the United States and not traveling. Adventure and traveling is in Pauls blood and DNA, without which he cannot survive and thrive. Invite Paul to speak on your cruise ship for a fun, energizing and life-changing experience! Email – |

Self-Help –
Healthy Relationships
Why is it in relationships, when we get what we want, we no longer want what we’ve got? Move beyond relational illusions that leave you feeling empty and confused. Process your personal pain and issues sabotaging your relationships. Transcend your self-imposed limitations and fears to cultivate meaningful relationships. Learn how to discern relationally between fits, misfits and counterfeits. Become self-aware to best fulfill your relational wants and needs.
Conflict Resolution
Master your moods, harness your tongue, and thoughtfully formulate your words to generate win-win solutions in the midst of any conflict. Learn how to read people, reframe the conflict, and revise the situation to positively affirm the personhood of everyone involved. Maneuver through relational complexities elegantly and gracefully to get what you want skillfully and peaceably.
Breakthrough For A Broken Heart
Overcome your disappointments and blossom into your dreams! Help for the hurting heart is here. Walk through 16 emotional transitions of the heart to transcend your situation and skillfully ride the waves of change into a happy future
Master Your Emotions
Stop obsessing emotionally and being overwhelmed internally by the voice within troubling your soul. Harness your inner restlessness. Learn to be still, quiet within, and be made whole.
Cultivating Happiness
Happiness is an inside job. Learn stress busters and ways to cultivate joy in your life, while also gaining a new respect for yourself and the importance of erecting proper boundaries to guard your heart.
Transition, Change & Transformation
Update your identity, experience a great awakening, and begin to happily live your life’s purpose. Change mental mindsets that sabotage your relational and professional success. Be transformed within so you can overcome in life and win!
Empowering & Liberating Women to Achieve Greatness
Believe, become & captivate everyone! Elegantly merge beauty and power to manifest your essence. Learn the keys to being attractive beyond your appearance to achieve greatness.
Breakthrough Leadership Success Secrets
Timeless treasures, success secrets, and leadership principles to impact your life and revolutionize your world. Cultivate confidence, creativity, and boldness to step into greatness. Discover your hidden potential, pinpoint your purpose, and be empowered to live your dreams!
– Health & Wellness –
Being Whole
Learn the totality of your personal make up, the process of identification, how emotional attachments are created, and how to be centered to joyfully experience being whole.
Wellness 101
Evaluate in depth the components that comprise a well-balanced and meaningful life. Assess your own personal well being by taking a personal inventory. Develop a game plan for focusing on the most neglected areas of your life so you can experience transformation and total wellness.
Zen – Living beyond thinking
Transcend thought and the emotions that rage within. Cultivate contentment, acceptance of the present, and be empowered to live resourcefully while not being overwhelmed and done in inwardly. Learn how to dwell within happily beyond the tendency of thought that tries control and dominate your life. Transcend internal strife to masterfully and happily live your best life!
– Cultural –
Diversity, Multiculturalism & Building Bridges
Our love for people must surpass our love of power. Interconnected and interrelated as one, none of us are as strong and wise as all of us. Stop presumptuously judging, arrogantly alienating, and self-righteously demonizing people. Let’s come together and make the world a better place!
Geography of Thought
Discern the differences in cross-cultural interaction and the necessary cues to follow en route to gaining understanding. Master the initial feelings of uncomfortableness and learn how to break the ice. Embrace your world and live your dreams!
Challenging Racial & Cultural Stereotypes
Humorously and playfully challenge your deep-seated racial, ethnic, and cultural stereotypes. Identify and uproot limiting beliefs sabotaging your ability to connect socially and succeed professionally.
– Current Events /Â World Affairs –
Global Politics, Foreign Policy & War
Open forum inviting a global perspective and dialogue on world issues of great significance. Look beyond your national borders to listen and learn from the previous foreign policy failures by global superpowers, while examining paradigm shifts in national leaders’ approach to resolving vital matters troubling the world. Examine American democracy and its effectiveness and ineffectiveness globally to build allies and bridges across the international community.
The Mighty & The Almighty
The art of statecraft to exert global influence diplomatically and respectfully interact in an honorable manner internationally to forge win-win alliances. Navigating through the gray areas of nationalism and morality, wherein nations presumptuously label their foreign policy maneuvers godly and demonize dissidents with religious rhetoric present in the use of media as propaganda.
Religion & Terrorism
Examine the religious misnomers and motivations for terrorism, while learning how to win the hearts and minds of terrorists to peaceably turn them toward love and life. Honor the good in all of us and transcend the struggles we all face to uphold the integrity & dignity of the human race.
The Politics of Health Care, A Global Comparison
A penetrating look at the two most powerful lobbying forces in Washington – physicians and insurers. Compare America’s current national health care system to that of Canada and Europe and consider the respective pros and cons.
– Creative Writing –
Cultivating Creativity & Writing Brilliantly
Learn the brainstorming and creative process of life changing author Paul F. Davis. Turn your life experiences into a meaningful message that impacts multitudes and transforms lives beginning with yours! Mine the hidden treasures within you, while happily writing your life legacy.
Poetry Readings
Enjoy heartfelt, powerful, and life-changing poetry to touch and transform your life. Inspirational poetry to empower you to overcome adversity and live victoriously; Paul’s playful, prophetic, and romantic style will captivate your heart and invigorate you with passion to live your dreams.
Your Own Personalized Poem by Paul
Provide Paul the personal details and headlines summarizing the vital aspects of your life, after which he will beautifully write a poem commemorating you as nobody else can do! Celebrate yourself today and walk away with a precious gem to take home and hold dear to your heart.
Paul F. Davis is a worldwide speaker who has touched over 88 countries, more than 55 islands & 6 continents building bridges cross-culturally and empowering people throughout the earth to live their dreams!
Paul is the author of more than 50 life-changing books. Paul’s incredible depth and rich writings make him a notable and unforgettable speaker able to connect with and inspire any audience to achieve greatness.
Paul has appeared on numerous international broadcasts from Investors Business Daily, Oprah & Friends to Fox News to talk about success, leadership, relational intricacies, conflict resolution, life balance, and living your dreams. By reason of his global travels, Paul is a highly sought after diversity and multicultural awareness speaker.
Playboy Radio Afternoon Advice host Tiffany Granath calls Paul an awesome relational coach and recommends his books on love, dating, and sexuality.
Paul worked at Ground Zero in NYC during 9-11; helped rebuild a home at the tsunami epicenter; comforted victims of genocide in Rwanda; spoke to leaders in East Timor during the war; inspired students & monks in Myanmar; promoted peace & reconciliation in Pakistan; and has been so deep into the bush of rural Africa where villagers had never before seen a white man.
Academically outstanding Paul humorously and elegantly transforms individuals and organizations.
Paul empowers people to love passionately and live fearlessly.
Invite Paul’s enrichment speakers network to provide enrichment programs for your cruise ships.
Email –
Email Paul (RevivingNations@yahoo,com)
About your next event and what you would like to accomplish.