Diversity Speaker
Invite Paul to speak on leadership at your next business or association meeting.
Email – RevivingNations@yahoo.com

As I write today, I’m currently in awe of the unprecedented power of an electrical storm occurring right now outside my office window here in Orlando, FL. I keep unplugging my laptop each time I hear lightning getting closer. It’s amazing to hear and behold.
The Creator and the creation – incredible, amazing, magnificent and awe-inspiring!
Diversity is just another wonderful and beautiful element of the creation: uniquely positioned, placed, fitted, framed and woven together throughout the earth to be mutually advantageous and bless one another if we will but take time to discern the greatness in each and everyone of us. When we do so and give the rightful honor and proper attention to our diversity, gifts, talents and abilities collectively and globally we become increasingly dynamic.
Its always good to speak to people celebrating and endeavoring to build stronger diversity at the workplace and on their University and college campuses.
Paul F. Davis
Email – RevivingNations@yahoo.com
I just returned from Houston, TX where I spoke at a middle school on “Academic Success For Better Grades”. The diversity there was very refreshing and the kids were wonderfully responsive. We had a blast and a lot of fun together! Isn’t that what its all about? I like to have fun while I get the job done. It all begins with connection, something sadly many corporate environments and academic communities lack. But thats where I come in!
Global Students Success and Life-Changing Diversity Speaker
As for Paul’s various talks as a diversity speaker, they are innumerable and countless because Paul has been to 90 countries and always pull from different experiences given the audience before him in any given situation and the purpose of the school for having him speak. Paul believes connection must precede communication, revelation and impartation of truth. As a diversity speaker who combines the elements of connection and communication, Paul’s life-changing messages bring lasting transformation.
Like the United Nations, University and College campuses are alive and full of rich cultural diversity. American Universities and Colleges are the one place where students from around the world gather as one to live, learn, laugh and grow together. Yet unless that togetherness is facilitated and adequately cultivated by academic advisors, deans and administration much cross-pollination within the educational process will be lost and the possible gains diminished because of fear, misunderstanding and isolationism.
As a former 11th and 12th grade ESL (English teacher to foreign learners) teacher, Paul personally and experientially knows the importance of listening to students, asking hard questions, challenging stereotypes and building bridges. After Paul was done teaching his ESL class, it felt like the United Nations ripe with astute ambassadors representing their collective countries and eager to engage in meaningful dialogue and discourse. This was very impressive and fulfilling for Paul as an educator.
By the way, here below is a brief video Paul shot at the UN you might enjoy.
World Peace Over Propaganda & Demonizing Nations
My book “Diversity, Multiculturalism & Global Cooperation” is a wonderful place to begin, the back cover of which I have attached below for your review (followed by my bio) should you want to pre-order a certain amount for any event. Incidentally, I make a great speaker (if I may say so myself) for any diversity and multiculturalism event. Most importantly, I always come in with open ears and endeavor to compliment whatever my host inviting me is seeking to accomplish. Purposefully together we always skillfully surprise ourselves and wow our audiences!
It would be a great honor to speak in your city to those you have influence over. I count it a great privilege, honor and responsibility to speak into peoples lives and always do so with a circumspect heart intent and purposing to make a lasting impact for good.
Upon hearing from you concerning the amount people to be in attendance at your event and your budget, I can best discern the ideal package to best serve you and exceed your expectations.
Wishing you a successful and joyous year!
Paul F. Davis
Email – RevivingNations@yahoo.com
ps. Below is the back cover of my bookDiversity, Multiculturalism & Global Cooperation
Embrace Your World, Celebrate Diversity & Live Your Dreams!
Our world is becoming increasingly interconnected and multicultural. Daily by reason of technology, the economy, and our environment nations are becoming interdependent. None of us are as strong as all of us. Therefore stop the fuss and peaceably unite to be prosperous. As we intelligently work together we can solve societys problems, heal the hurting, and help the suffering.
Global cooperation and happily embracing our diversity is the key to impact our world. Cultivate tolerance to give people the freedom to be without casting judgment or putting your map upon them. Challenge faulty stereotypes developed by parental upbringing, societal conditioning, religious reasoning, or political positioning. Before presumptuously believing any idea pertaining to race, first test its accuracy and validity.
Confront your fears head on and transcend miniscule mindsets limiting the free flow of life. Transcend subtle stereotypes and discover the joys of global cooperation to turbo charge your destiny en route to personal and professional fulfillment.
Rise above racial bias, snap judgments, and hidden fears to live freely. Surpass your past to create new success as you embrace the potential of every ethnicity and cultivate mutual prosperity harmoniously.
Free your mind to forgive and live gloriously among all of humanity, whom the Creator by divine design engineered intelligently and orchestrated geographically to produce in us personal growth magnificently as we work together cooperatively.
Rather than being fearful and labeled a hater, hear your hearts cry to help bridge the racial divide, and happily bring people harmoniously together.
Cultivate global awareness and warmly welcome diversity to transform your community. Be the light where the dignity and integrity of every human being can be upheld, expressed, and embraced.
Paul F. Davis has filled several passports to travel the world thoroughly to actively engage and get a feel for the international community. Paul is a seasoned diversity speaker challenging racial stereotypes humorously, building bridges cross-culturally, and birthing a heart in people to lovingly embrace people of every ethnicity. Paul is a global peacemaker for multiculturalism healing the racial divide and achieving extraordinary results worldwide.
Beyond the book¦here below is my bio (that is if you’re not sick of me yet and still hunger to hear more):
Paul is a professional international speaker using humor and heartfelt motivational messages to entertain and inspire any audience to live their best life now!
Paul F. Davis is a Worldwide Motivational Speaker, Wellness Trainer, College and Career Counselor, Life Coach and Author of more than 100 Books who has touched 90 Nations serving the U.S. Military, Companies, Cruise Lines, and Universities across the globe. As an international educator Paul is certified with the states of Florida and Arizona to teach ESL, English, Social Studies and Health. Paul has 8 years formal teaching experience in public, charter and international schools (having lived around the world). Paul has earned 4 Master degrees with honors: Educational Leadership (University of Texas), Global Affairs (New York University), Global Food Law (Michigan State College of Law), and Health (University of Alabama). Paul was trained in college and educational consulting at the University of California at Los Angeles.
Paul empowers people to transcend their limitations, live their dreams and achieve peak performance body-mind-spirit (along with reducing medical and insurance costs for companies through the creation of optimal wellness programs). Paul serves Fortune 500 Companies, the U.S. Military, Governments, Cruise Lines at Sea, Churches, and Universities across the globe. Paul has appeared on numerous international broadcasts from Investors’ Business Daily, Oprah and Friends to Fox News to talk about success, leadership, relational intricacies, conflict resolution, life balance and overcoming adversity.
Paul was nominated by the Buena Vista Rotary Club as a World Peace Scholar, was awarded an International Security scholarship from the University of Sussex (United Kingdom), and earned an Administrative Law award from Michigan State College of Law. Paul served the American China Exchange Society as a Educational and Business Consultant, teaching and developing an American showroom to acquaint students and parents with American History, Education and Culture preparing Chinese students to study at American Colleges and Universities.
Paul worked at Ground Zero in New York City during the first week of 9/11; helped rebuild a home at the tsunami epicenter in Indonesia; comforted victims of genocide in Rwanda; spoke to leaders in East Timor during the war before the United Nations recognized Timor Leste as a new nation granting independence (and 10 years later served the U.S. Embassy in Timor Leste); inspired students and monks in Myanmar; promoted peace, religious tolerance and reconciliation in Pakistan (after 9/11 and before Presidents Bush and Obama pursued Bin Laden therein); developed leaders deep in the bush of rural war-torn east Africa; and fed the hungry in impoverished Haiti.
Paul humorously and elegantly transforms individuals and organizations, while empowering people to love passionately and live fearlessly.
Now what are you waiting for? If you read this far, don’t you think it is time to invite Paul to speak at your next event in your city!
Paul F. Davis
Email – RevivingNations@yahoo.com
Dare to Believe, Become & Live Your Dreams!
Message to the Youth of the World
Overcoming Adversity – Be Empowered to Live Victoriously
Empowering & Liberating Women to Achieve Greatness
Relationships Help, Tips & Advice
Healthy Relationships Speaker
Happiness Being Happy in Hard Times
Paul F. Davis
Invite Paul to speak at your next business talk or association meeting.
Email – RevivingNations@yahoo.com
Email Paul (RevivingNations@yahoo,com)
About your next event and what you would like to accomplish.