Find The Tail On The Devil: Discern Demons, Evil & Deadly Traps Paperback – July 2, 2022


Beware of Demons & Evil People

Cultivate insight, discernment and perspective to identify evil and protect yourself from harm and trouble. Guard your heart and mind from danger, protect your valuables from thieves and your life from deadly scenarios. Happily learn through humor, situational circumstances and lively visuals to be alert and awakened to the reality of our world to stay safe, act with wisdom, intelligently interact with people, intuitively protect yourself and diligently guard your greatness.


PAUL F. DAVIS is a prophet to the nations of the world to revive, renew, protect and empower them to excel and increase. Paul is an international educator and worldwide inspirational speaker who has touched 90 nations and authored 90 life-changing books

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